Ο Stivaktakis Polychronis (Chronis) was born in Crete in the village of Vorizia, Prefecture of Heraklion. Today he lives in Heraklion with his family.
He loved photography from a very young age since he was lucky enough to be nephew of Efstathios Stivas, a photographer who developed his career in America, while his godfather, Eftichis Zacharioudakis, was also a photographer. So the word "photograph" was familiar to his ears and as an image well known. The frequent letters with photos of life in America that the uncle sent to the family helped a lot.
ΤIn 1974, Polychronis begins to immortalize the area and faces with his father's Kodak 127, a gift from his uncle from America. He then changes gear continuing on his own and always amateurishly. In 1994 he attended photography courses at E.F.E.K. while later he will be a member of its board of directors. He is a member of E.F.E.K to this day having won awards and postings in Greek and international international athletics. He has also taken part in many group exhibitions in Greece.
Chronis Stivaktakis
One God
Ο Πολυχρόνης Στιβακτάκης και η «κρητική» Αντιγόνη
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